The Act One School of Drama opened in Pickering in 1995. Initially known as O'Leary's School of Drama, the school's name was changed in 2004, due to the retirement of one of the original owners. In 2006, the remaining original owners, Cecilia Boudreau-Bates and Caroline Harvey, having firmly established Act One as a valuable source of quality performing arts training, at affordable prices, for the Eastern GTA, turned ownership over to the care of Mark Nathanielsz. Mark brought with him many years of theatrical experience in acting, directing, design work, production, admistration, operations and management.
Act One subscribes to the theory that acting and drama are not just for film and stage, but also "life and living". It is this philosophy that lies behind our motto "All the world is a stage". Children and adults come from across the GTA to attend the school. Act One strives to offer valuable opportunities to all - the shy individual who needs to build self-confidence; the hyperactive child who needs to work within a fun, structured environment; those wishing to seriously pursue stage or film as a career or at the community level; students looking for a positive outlet for their creative energies and last but not least, those who simply join for fun, while learning at the same time.
Act One credits most of its success to its teaching staff. All of them draw on rich and varied acting experience, are motivated by a passion for drama and have a love of teaching our next generation of young performers. They share a deep appreciation for how drama has positively affected their own lives and a desire to help others experience the same.
On behalf of Act One and it's staff, as they say on stage - "Break a leg"
Drama can have a positive impact in a variety of areas, not just from the perspective of a professional pursuit......
"You see things; and you say "Why?"
But I dream things that never were;
and I say, "Why not?"
25 years experience teaching drama in Durham Region.
Maximum 10:1 student to instructor teaching ratio.
Narrow class age ranges for enhanced student learning, interaction and support.
Class sizes limited to maximum of 12 (16 for Musical Theatre).
Instruction takes place on actual stage in fully equipped theatrical facility.
Organic class format that adjusts to actual student requirements and experience.
Comprehensive year-to-year development format.
Performance material based on actual student interests and development levels. Never pre-selected.
Multiple (at least 3 for most students) performance opportunities during school year.
School stage features computerized lights and sound.
No costume fees or other "incidentals".
No requirement for advance payment upon registration.
No questions asked withdrawal/refund policy.
Important School Events and Closure Dates | ||
Date | Event | Notes |
August 1, 2024 | Fall Term Registration | Fall Term Registration Opens. (Students registered in the Fall are automatically registered for the full year). |
October 11-14, 2024 | Thanksgiving | School closed. No classes. |
Week of October 20th, 2024 |
Fall Registration Deadline Start of 32-week classes. |
After October 20th, new student registration is only possible with expressed instructor permission. Please contact the school for more information. If class is 32 weeks duration, it will be scheduled to start this week. Start of Winter Term registration availability. |
December 1, 2024 | Winter Term Registration Opens | Start of registration for joining a class for the Winter Term (Feb to June 2025). |
December 23, 2024 to January 2, 2025 |
Christmas/New Year | School closed. No classes. |
Jan 24, 25, 26, 31, Feb 1, 2, 2025 | Winter Cabaret | Performance dates for 2024-25 End of Fall Term student performances. |
February 17, 2025 | Family Day | School is open. Classes run as scheduled. |
February 3, 2025 | Start of Winter Term | Winter Term classes start this week. Winter Term-only students can join this week. Please check the Read/Hide More... section of the specific class on the Classes page for its unique start date. |
March 10-16, 2025 | "March Break" Week | School closed. No classes. Important Chage: Please note that for 2025 there will be NO March Break Theatre Camp . |
Mar 28-30, 2025 | Weekend Of Monologues | Show dates for second student performance event, the Weekend of Monologues |
Apr 18-21, 2025 | Easter | School closed. No classes. |
May 16-19, 2025 | Victoria Day | School closed. No classes. |
June 2025 | Class year End Performances | Each class will be scheduled to perform on one day in June. |
July-August 2025 | Theatre Summer Camps | Act One offers four 2-week Theatre Summer Camp sessions for ages 5-14. |